Slovak 1 1 3.12159265 358979323 846264338 3279 **************************************************** Mam, o pane, o dobry, zapamatat si takyto cisel rad! Velky slovutny Ar(ch)imedes, pomahaj trapenemu, daj mu moc naspamat znat krasne aj slavne sice, ale tak protivne nam, a(ch), cislice Ludolfove! Jedinak, p. 58 Accented Text: \document M\'am, \'o pane, \'o dobr\'y, zapam\"ata\v{t} si tak\'yto \v{c}\'{\i}sel rad! Ve\v{l}k\'y slovutn\'y Archimedes, pom\'ahaj tr\'apen\'emu, daj mu moc naspam\"a\v{t} zna\v{t} kr\'asne aj sl\'avne s\'{\i}ce, ale tak protivn\'e n\'am, ach, \v{c}\'{\i}slice Ludolfove! \enddocument From: Jozef Dobos Translation: I have, oh Lord, oh good, to remember such a number series! Great famous Archimedes, help to the troubled one, give him power to know by heart the beautiful and glorious ones, even though so nasty to us, ah, the numerals of Ludolf! by Jozef, Tatiana and Martin Dobos From: Jozef Dobos 2 Mam o ludia o dobri zapametat si takyto cif(ie)r rad. Velky slovutny Ar(ch)imedes pomahaj trapenemu. Daj mu moc, naspamat nech hovori t(ie) slavne sice, ale tak protivne nam, a(ch) cislice Ludolfove ! Comment: A musical version is due to Prof. B. Riecan. From: O. Strauch 3 3.14159 265358 **************************************************** Daj o Boze o velky zapamatat si takyto cisel rad velky naspamat. Translation (word-by-word): [Please] Give oh Lord oh great [that I can] remember myself such a [of] numbers row great by heart Comment: I remember "rad velky(ch)". From: Vladimir Benko Slovak 2 3.141592653 **************************************************** Sam u seba v hlave, magickeho PI, cislic desat mam. Translation: Myself in myself in head, magic PI, digits ten have got. From: Martin Dobrucky Slovak 3 3.141592653 **************************************************** Asi v moje a tvoje s(ch)opnosti neveri uz skoro nik. Asi v moje a tvoje vedomosti neveri uz skoro nik. by Vladimir Olejcek Translation: Word-by-word: Likely in my and your capability/knowledge does not believe already almost nobody. Hardly anyone believes in my and your capability/knowledge already. Editor's Notes: (Pi Mnemonic e-dialogues) In my homeland Crete people talk between them very often with the so called Mantinades (disticha = two-verse poems). It is interesting that something analogous happened here ! I asked Vladimir for the author of the Pi mnemonic he sent me. See his reply and my re-reply: ----------------------------- This is an answer to your question: 'It's a deal I never suggested to anyone except of you.' Notice that it is another mnemonic in English. Vladimir ----------------------------- Sir, I have a reply similarly : Pi phrase. Thank you, great Vladimir ! Sincerely. Antreas Sfakianos* 3.14159265358979 * from Sfakia, Crete, Greece ----------------------------- By the way, here is one more Pi-mnemonic-reply: Someone Roger: Any mnemonics in Chinese? Antreas: Yes(3) I(1) have(4) one(=1), Roger(5), unadvised(9) man(2+) !